

  • Provided school districts with examples of model planning documents (e.g., environmental literacy frameworks, school sustainability plans or curriculum integration tools).


  • Encouraged and supported school districts in their efforts to develop environmental literacy frameworks that document the grade(s) in which Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) and other environmental literacy programming occurs.
  • Encouraged school districts, environmental education providers and community groups to form local networks that will engage youth in and out of school.
  • Identified and promoted the means to secure the personnel, programmatic and other resources necessary to achieve our environmental literacy goals.


  • Established indicators of environmental literacy in order to assess progress toward environmental literacy goals.
  • Distributed the second Environmental Literacy Indicator Tool (ELIT) survey.
  • Published An Educator’s Guide to the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience, an easy-to-use manual for constructing high-quality educational experiences for all students.
  • Convened two summits: the first (held in April) explored the benefits of sustainable schools, the cultivation and support of environmental literacy programs and the ways state, federal and local education agencies can work together to enrich student educational experiences. The second (held in November) established a cadre of Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) ambassadors to advocate for and support the development of state and local environmental literacy programs.


  • Hosted the Mid-Atlantic Environmental Literacy Leadership Summit, which brought environmental education experts, cabinet-level state government representatives and other decision-makers together to explore how states can help local education agencies create and sustain high-quality environmental literacy programming.