Extent and Distribution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

  • Broad geographic extent and distribution of PCBs.
  • Variety of sources and pathways through which PCBs enter the environment (e.g., electrical equipment and other primary sources, wastewater treatment byproducts and other secondary sources, contaminated stormwater runoff), which necessitate a wide range of management responses.
  • Gaps in knowledge related to the relative sizes of PCB sources and most effective best management practices.

Stakeholder Mindset

  • Political will to modify regulatory programs and/or create voluntary programs.
  • Need to acknowledge ongoing sources of PCBs (i.e., PCBs are not a static “legacy” contaminant).
  • Extent of collaboration and coordination among the science and management communities at a scale that is commensurate with the extent of PCB impairments and TMDLs.


  • High cost of remedies (e.g., in-stream sediment remediation, contaminated site remediation, stormwater controls, electrical equipment replacements).